C4 International

Equitable Practices Commitment

C⁴ Logo - Front Page

Cooperative Contingent of Concerned World Citizens

“Everyone should be Prepared, and no one should be excluded.”

The purpose of this page is to recognize the importance of equitable treatment and practices in a world plagued by systemic discrimination.

At C⁴, it is our ultimate goal to increase awareness and spur preparedness efforts in both our members and everyone worldwide. Unfortunately, there exists definite cultural, racial, ethnic, and gender biases, as well as problematic stereotypes, when it comes to the topic of disaster preparedness. According to a study published by the US National Institute of Health, “findings show that racial and ethnic minorities are less likely to evacuate and more affected by disasters”. Additionally, according to a summary article from the US Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Adminstration (SAMHSA), “communities with less power and access to resources also experience inequities during disaster response and recovery”. A third article, published by the Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience, states that “emergency management policies, services and responses have traditionally been led by men without consideration for the diversity of experiences. Women and gender-diverse people have rarely had a seat at the table. When they have, they have often experienced overt or systemic discrimination”.

C⁴ prefers not to associate with the term “prepper”, due to the surrounding violent, politically charged, separationist stereotype.

C⁴ commits to its values as an apolitical community. We do not associate, partner with, or endorse any political party from any nation.

Upon joining our organization, our members agree to abstain from political commentary, as this causes unnecessarily hostile behavior and societal friction.

At C⁴, We believe that being empathetic and understanding of the struggles of others, whether historical or current, is a non-partisan value. We believe that everyone should encourage themselves and their peers to acknowledge these struggles, become educated about them, and push collectively for a better world for all.

At C⁴, we believe that everyone should take action to make the world an equitable place for everyone. We believe that everyone has the ability to take the first steps.

As an organization, we take steps to encourage our members to align with these values.

At C⁴, we understand and recognize the fact that everyone comes from different financial backgrounds, and therefore we strive to include only unlocked and free media sources in all of our alert sources.*

Upon joining our organization’s Discord Server, our members must agree to the non-discrimination policy and rulebook below.

The definitions of terms and ideas mentioned here are up to the Administration to decide upon. There will be no debate permitted.

This a strictly moderated server, and rules will be enforced.

Absolutely NO: Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, or Xenophobia. Use of any slurs or posting of any material depicting hateful imagery or symbolism will result in an instant ban without appeal. The definition of these terms is up to the discretion of the Administrators.

There will be NO discussion or debate.

C⁴ is a safe space for all. There is no room here for hate, and there will be no exceptions.

If you feel targeted or you feel that another member is being targeted with hate, please let a C⁴ officer know immediately, and we will make sure the situation is handled appropriately.

  • Please do not bring Political discussion into this server.

C⁴ is a Nonpartisan organization. Political discussion or debate is unwelcome, and it causes unnecessary friction. Leave your political beliefs at the door.

1 instance will result in a warning.

Repeated offenses will result in disciplinary action leading up from a loss of chat privileges and a voice mute to a permanent ban.

  • Be civil in chat and in voice channels, and stay on topic.

No spam, no use of voice chat macros (such as soundboards), no volume abuse (such as increased microphone gain with the intent to annoy), and no embed abuse (eg. spamming tenor gifs or embedding off-topic images such as memes or macro images in #general).

1 instance will result in a warning.

Repeated offenses will result in disciplinary action leading up from a loss of chat privileges and a voice mute, to a permanent ban.

Any Breaches in the Terms of Service of Discord will result in an immediate permanent ban without the possibility of appeal.

Discord’s Terms of Service can be reviewed here:


If you have any questions, concerns, or recommendations, please feel free to DM myself (Yachtman24) or Keough (Keough99).

Rules are Subject to change without Notice.

Copied Directly from C⁴’s community Discord Server. Formatting has been Altered for webpage compatibility.

*New Policy as of 3/24/24